Dhira Bongs is a singer-songwriter and music producer for her album. Her music arrangement has blended her into several music genre, such as indie pop, RnB, disco, etc. She claims her music to be Explorative Pop. She has two albums and recent singles.
Dhira Bongs has an intention to spread her wings further to another international collaborations. She had a tour in Japan (2017) and became the only representative from Indonesia at South by South West (SXSW) 2019, Austin, Tx,US.
As she eventually have the guts to experience something bigger than herself, she believes that good thoughts are spread anywhere around the world—which she has tried always to seek over and over. Because distance is no longer a barrier, but it is a huge high wall that she should struggle to climb on
– Dhira Band
- Featured on PON XIX and XV PEPARNAS 2016 West Java Album Compilation, Indonesia, 2016
- Featured on Kyoto Onpaku 2017 Album Compilation – JVC Records, Japan, 2018
- Featured on Lekas Pulih song, 2020
- Featured on Masafumi Gotoh (Gotch) song,The Age with BASI & Keishi Tanaka, Japan, 2020
- Featured on Antoni Sidjabat song, Sincere, Indonesia, 2021
2014 Java Soundsfair,Jakarta-Indonesia. 2015 Java Jazz Festival, Jakarta-Indonesia Monkeylada Festival,Jakarta-Indonesia. 2016 The 8th International Kampoeng Jazz, Bandung-Indonesia Jazz Market by The Sea, Bali-Indonesia The 39th Jazz Goes To Campus, Jakarta– Indonesia. 2017 Java Jazz Festival, Jakarta – Indonesia SUB Store, Tokyo-Japan K.D Japon, Nagoya-Japan Musica Japonica, Osaka-Japan
Kyoto Music Expo, Kyoto-Japan. 2018 Best New Comer 2018 Nominee Oz Radio – Indonesia Musik Bagus Day, Jakarta-Indonesia Sofar Sounds, Jakarta – Indonesia. 2019 SXSW 2019, Austin, Texas-USA Dhira Bongs Buka Koper SXSW 2019, Bandung – Indonesia. 2020 First online showcase, KOLESTEROL (Konser Lengkap Eskali Ternyata Online)